DuPagers Oraganized For: Garden ReformĀ Because sustainability is a human right. Ordinances of DuPage Municipalities Who Have Already Protected Warm-Season Gardening in Writing: Village of Bartlett Ordinance Title 10: Zoning / Chapter 4A: Residential Districts / Table 4A-1 City of Batavia Ordinance Chapter 2.1: Single Family Residential Districts / Table 2.103 Village of Bensenville Ordinance Title 10: Zoning Regulations / Chapter 7: Uses / Part 2: Use Table Village of Downers Grove Ordinance Chapter 28: Zoning Ordinance / Article 5: Allowed Uses / Table 5-1 City of Naperville Ordinance Title 6: Zoning Regulations / Chapter 2: General Zoning Provisions / Part 6: Agriculture as a Permitted Use Village of Oakbrook Ordinance Chapter 6: Residence Districts / Article A.: R1 Single Family Detached Residence District / Section 1: Permitted Uses Village of Schaumburg Ordinance Chapter 154: Zoning / Residence Districts City of Wheaton Ordinance Chapter 78: Vegetation / Artivle IV: Weeds / Section 92: Declared Nuisance, Prohibited / Subsection a5 Do You Want to Protect the Right to Garden in Your Community? First Name Last Name Email Address Message 5 + 6 = Submit How to Garden Videos: