DuPagers Organized For: Compost Reform Because sustainability is a human right. Ordinances of DuPage Municipalities Who Have Already Protected Composting in Writing: Village of Bartlett Protection for Composting: Title 4: Health and Sanitation / Chapter 2: Garbage and Refuse / Section 5: Backyard Compost Piles Village of Bensenville Protection for Composting: Title 10: Zoning Regulations / Chapter 7: Uses / Section 4: Accessory Structures Village of Bolingbrook Protection for Composting: Chapter 20: Health Regulations / Article 3: Solid Waste / Section 301: Nuisance Declared / Part G: Improper Storage of Landscape Waste Village of Clarendon Hills Protection for Composting: Title 39: Disposal of Garbage / Part 5: Solid Waste Disposal; Recycling; Composting City of Darien Protection for Composting: Title 7: Health and Sanitation / Chapter 1: Refuse Disposal / Section 4: Composting and Compost Piles Village of Downers Grove Protection for Composting: Chapter 13: Health and Sanitation / Section 45.1: Composting and Compost Piles; Brush Piles; Firewood Piles Elk Grove Village Protection for Composting: Title 4: Public Health / Chapter 4: Garbage and Refuse / Section 6: Composting Village of Itasca Protection for Composting: Title 5: Public Works / Chapter 50: Garbage / Part 6B: Accumulation of Refuse Village of Lombard Protection for Composting: Title IX: General Regulations / Chapter 92: Health and Sanitation / Article V: Composting City of Naperville Protection for Composting: Title 4: Health and Sanitation / Chapter 3: Trees, Plants, Weeds, and Composting / Section 3: Residential Composting City of Warrenville Protection for Composting: Title 6: Health and Sanitation / Chapter 3: Property Maintenance Code / Part 3: General Requirements / Section G: Residential Composting City of Wheaton Protection for Composting: Chapter 54: Solid Waste / Article I: In General and Residential / Section 8: Composting and Compost Piles (*Yard Waste Defined to Include Food Scraps) Want to Protect the Right to Compost in Your Community? First Name Last Name Email Address Message 3 + 7 = Submit Introduction to Composting: